O’Connor, Allen and Howard

John O’Connor, Drew Allen and Dylan Howard were Deanna’s guests this Saturday afternoon. Topics discussed were packing of the US Supreme Court, the re-opening of businesses in Oregon and the British Royals.
👉 John O’Connor (MP3)
👉 Drew Allen (MP3)
👉 Dylan Howard (MP3)
👉 🖥 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P – Episode 44

Wood, Wrightstone and Dannemann

Patrick M. Wood, Gregory Wrightstone and Eileen Dannemann were Deanna’s fine guests this sunny afternoon. Topics discussed were freedom of speech, alarmist myths concerning our ever changing climate and the adverse effects of injecting toxic ingredients into a healthy body.
👉 Patrick M. Wood (MP3)
👉 Gregory Wrightstone (MP3)
👉 Eileen Dannemann (MP3)

Dr. Hugh McTavish

Dr. Hugh McTavish, the founder and Executive Director of COVID Sanity was Deanna’s first guest this afternoon. COVID Sanity is a nonprofit whose mission is to provide policy makers and the public with scientific and factual information on the benefits and harms of current and potential policy responses and individual responses to COVID-19 and to educate the public with scientifically accurate information on individual risk so persons can make informed decisions related to COVID-19 and if and how to modify their behavior. (MP3)
👉 COVID-Sanity.org
A Quantitative Human and Ethical Benefit-Harm Analysis of Our COVID Response


Deanna’s second guest this afternoon was Drew who shared with listeners his experience of being told by a Licensed Doctor that he had prostate cancer and how he did research to determine the best outcome for his own health. (MP3)
Drew provided the following links for your information.
👉 blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/02/26/healing-withdr-danielshow-prostratecancer-became-a-disease, uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/RecommendationStatementFinal/prostate-cancer-screening1, dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2163640/Dont-rush-prostate-operation–worst-thing-do.html, medicalnewstoday.com/articles/217616.php, webmd.com/prostate-cancer/guide/prostate-cancer-treatment-wait, nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1807801, protectpatientsblog.com/too_many_doctors_use_too_much_1/, nbcnews.com/id/35874966/ns/health-mens_health/t/surgery-regrets-i-want-my-prostate-back/, webmd.com/prostate-cancer/news/20150219/are-too-many-prostate-cancer-patients-receiving-treatment

John Klyzcek

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was John Klyzcek, author of School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education. School World Order will teach you the ulterior agenda behind the ed-tech movement: data-mining students for research and development into artificial intelligence and transhumanist biotechnologies for the establishment of an authoritarian, post-human society. (MP3)

Finally, a credentialed public educator, John Klyczek, has taken the information in the late Professor Antony Sutton’s remarkable history books, melded it with documentation contained in my Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and made sense of what Americans are looking at today: an evolving technocratic New World Order. ~ Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

👉 schoolworldorder.info
A Kindle Edition is available at Amazon.

Tony Pantalleresco

Tony Pantalleresco, Deanna’s favorite herbalist from Canada and one of the most requested guests by listeners returned this afternoon for an enjoyable two hours. (MP3)
🖥 Herbalistic Videos from Tony and Dave 🌿 😃

Michael Zelenty

Michael Zelenty, author of Doctor Deplorable’s Political Characters A to Z was Deanna’s second guest this afternoon to talk about the indoctrination of children beginning in kindergarten. (MP3)
👉 Doctor Deplorable’s Political Characters A to Z

Thomas Goodrich and Paul English

Deanna’s returning guests this afternoon were Thomas Goodrich, author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, Summer, 1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate as well as several other books and Paul English, narrator of the new Hellstorm Audio Book. (MP3)
👉 Books By Thomas Goodrich

Thomas Goodrich and Paul English

Deanna’s guests this afternoon were Thomas Goodrich, author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, Summer, 1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate as well as several other books and Paul English, narrator of the new Hellstorm Audio Book who visited with Deanna, Thomas and listeners during the last two hours of the broadcast. (MP3)
👉 Books By Thomas Goodrich

Dennis Wise

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was Dennis Wise, creator/producer of The Greatest Story NEVER Told, Communism By The Back Door and The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two. (MP3)
🖥 The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two
🖥 Rhine Meadows death camps in the words of James Bacque

David R. Crowe

Deanna’s second guest this afternoon was David R. Crowe from Canada. David is the president of Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society and Rethinking AIDS. (MP3)
👉 The Genetic Theory of Infectious Diseases: A Brief History and Selected Illustrations

Ingri Cassell

Ingri Cassell visited with Deanna this afternoon to talk about vaccines. 💉 (MP3)
👉 Vaccination Liberation, http://www.vaclib.org/keywords.htm, http://www.vaclib.org/intro/microbiome.htm, http://vaclib.org/intro/vaccination101.htm, Vaccine Contamination
👉 A Stolen Life, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind & The Struggle for Human Freedom
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