Wood, Wrightstone and Dannemann

Patrick M. Wood, Gregory Wrightstone and Eileen Dannemann were Deanna’s fine guests this sunny afternoon. Topics discussed were freedom of speech, alarmist myths concerning our ever changing climate and the adverse effects of injecting toxic ingredients into a healthy body.
👉 Patrick M. Wood (MP3)
👉 Gregory Wrightstone (MP3)
👉 Eileen Dannemann (MP3)

Robert K. Wilcox

Robert K. Wilcox, an award-winning author, journalist, historian, novelist, and screenwriter was Deanna’s guest this afternoon. Robert has authored thousands of published articles, many produced screenplays, and twelve published books, many of them translated into foreign editions. Robert’s books are available at Amazon. (MP3)
👉 Relevant: Elizabeth Bentley / Book: Red Spy Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth Bentley
👉 Stephen J. Skubik

John Klyzcek

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was John Klyzcek, author of School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education. School World Order will teach you the ulterior agenda behind the ed-tech movement: data-mining students for research and development into artificial intelligence and transhumanist biotechnologies for the establishment of an authoritarian, post-human society. (MP3)

Finally, a credentialed public educator, John Klyczek, has taken the information in the late Professor Antony Sutton’s remarkable history books, melded it with documentation contained in my Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and made sense of what Americans are looking at today: an evolving technocratic New World Order. ~ Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

👉 schoolworldorder.info
A Kindle Edition is available at Amazon.

Patrick Wood

Deanna’s first guest this afternoon was Patrick Wood. Patrick is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II with the late Antony C. Sutton. An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, he maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and the adoption of Common Core State Standards. (MP3)
👉 Technocracy News & Trends, Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

Dennis Wise

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was Dennis Wise, creator/producer of The Greatest Story NEVER Told, Communism By The Back Door and The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two. (MP3)
đŸ–„ The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two
đŸ–„ Rhine Meadows death camps in the words of James Bacque

Benton L. Bradberry

Benton L. Bradberry was Deanna’s guest this afternoon. Benton is the author of The Myth of German Villainy (2012). (MP3)

As the title “The Myth of German Villainy” indicates, this book is about the mischaracterization of Germany as history’s ultimate “villain”. The “official” story of Western Civilization in the twentieth century casts Germany as the disturber of the peace in Europe, and the cause of both World War I and World War II, though the facts don’t bear that out. During both wars, fantastic atrocity stories were invented by Allied propaganda to create hatred of the German people for the purpose of bringing public opinion around to support the wars. The “Holocaust” propaganda which emerged after World War II further solidified this image of Germany as history’s ultimate villain. But how true is this “official” story? Was Germany really history’s ultimate villain? In this book, the author paints a different picture. He explains that Germany was not the perpetrator of World War I nor World War II, but instead, was the victim of Allied aggression in both wars. The instability wrought by World War I made the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia possible, which brought world Communism into existence. Hitler and Germany recognized world Communism, with its base in the Soviet Union, as an existential threat to Western, Christian Civilization, and he dedicated himself and Germany to a death struggle against it. Far from being the disturber of European peace, Germany served as a bulwark which prevented Communist revolution from sweeping over Europe. The pity was that the United States and Britain did not see Communist Russia in the same light, ultimately with disastrous consequences for Western Civilization. Benton L. Bradberry believes that Britain and the United States joined the wrong side in the war.

Karen Kataline

Karen Kataline was Deanna’s second guest this afternoon to continue with the discussion that was started with today’s first guest, the ongoing obstruction taking place since President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. (MP3)
👉 Kavanaugh Obstruction Is the Left’s Latest Attempt To Weaponize #MeToo

Mitchell Gerber

Mitchell Gerber was Deanna’s guest this afternoon who shared with us the history and evidence of the ongoing practice of forced organ harvesting in China. Mitchell is the Advocacy Director for Stop Forced Organ Harvesting in China. There is a lucrative organ transplant industry involving hundreds of hospitals across China. The dark secret is that the Chinese regime is performing 60,000 to 100,000 transplants per year with its main source being prisoners of conscience who are killed on demand. (MP3)
đŸ–„ Harvested Alive, Website, World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
đŸ–„ China’s Dirty Secret, Government Videos
👉 The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China
👉 Life Guardian Foundation, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party äčè©•ć…±ç”ąé»š
👉 From Chris Steiner, Organ Donation Blog

Michael Walsh

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was the author, historian, international journalist, poet, professional writer, veteran activist and publisher of The Ethnic-European, Michael Walsh. (MP3)
👉 Books by Michael Walsh

Diane King, Jim and Joe Rizoli

Deanna’s returning guests this afternoon were Diane King and Jim Rizoli. Brother Joe Rizoli was also able to be present for today’s broadcast. (MP3)
👉 Concerned Citizens and Friends of illegal Immigration Law Enforcement, Rizoli TV,
The Holocaust is a Hoax

Michael Walsh ~ Jeff Clayton

Ernst Christof Friedrich ZĂŒndel
International Journalist, Broadcaster, Author, and Poet Michael Walsh was Deanna’s returning guest for the first two hours this afternoon to honor Ernst Christof Friedrich ZĂŒndel 💐 who passed away August 5th in Germany. (MP3) Continue reading

Dennis Wise ~ Jen

Dennis Wise, producer of the very popular Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story NEVER Told! and Communism by the Back Door joined Deanna this afternoon for two hours to talk about his current project, đŸ–„ The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2. (MP3)

Jen and Deanna talked about the book, Wife No. 19 by Ann Eliza Young (1844-1917) during hour three today. (MP3)
Related: Overview of her life, PDF version of book