Dr. Paul Byrne and Bernice Jones

Deanna’s guests today were Dr. Paul Byrne and Bernice Jones from, Life Guardian Foundation to talk about brain death and the egregious practice of organ harvesting. (MP3)
A Definition of Irreversible Coma, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

Wood, Wrightstone and Dannemann

Patrick M. Wood, Gregory Wrightstone and Eileen Dannemann were Deanna’s fine guests this sunny afternoon. Topics discussed were freedom of speech, alarmist myths concerning our ever changing climate and the adverse effects of injecting toxic ingredients into a healthy body.
👉 Patrick M. Wood (MP3)
👉 Gregory Wrightstone (MP3)
👉 Eileen Dannemann (MP3)

Dr. Hugh McTavish

Dr. Hugh McTavish, the founder and Executive Director of COVID Sanity was Deanna’s first guest this afternoon. COVID Sanity is a nonprofit whose mission is to provide policy makers and the public with scientific and factual information on the benefits and harms of current and potential policy responses and individual responses to COVID-19 and to educate the public with scientifically accurate information on individual risk so persons can make informed decisions related to COVID-19 and if and how to modify their behavior. (MP3)
👉 COVID-Sanity.org
A Quantitative Human and Ethical Benefit-Harm Analysis of Our COVID Response

Tony Pantalleresco

Deanna’s returning guest this afternoon was Tony Pantalleresco who talked about brainwashing and government corruption. (MP3)
🖥 Under the Silver Lake – Elite scheme scene, Diana, the Royal Truth, NETWORK, Sidney Lumet, 1976 – I’m Mad As Hell and I’m Not Gonna Take This Anymore!, Howard Beale: Turn off your TVs

John Neister

John Neister from Far-UV Sterilray™ was Deanna’s third guest this afternoon to talk about recently developed unique products and a capability that makes a significant reduction of toxins in the air and on surfaces using Excimer Wave Sterilray™ possible. (MP3)
👉 Excimer Wave Sterilray™

Mark D. Bruce M.D.

Dr. Mark D. Bruce, an Emergency Medicine physician was Deanna’s second guest this afternoon who talked about COVID-19. In addition to his duties as an emergency department staff physician in Wisconsin, he serves as the Lead Ambassador to Belize and the Ambassador to Canada for the American College of Emergency Physicians. Dr. Mark is also the author of Jackie, a Boy, and a Dog: A Warm Cold War Story. (MP3)

Allen B. Clark

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was the Honorable Allen B. Clark, author of Soldiers’ Blood and Bloodied Money: Wars and the Ruling Elites, Valor in Vietnam and Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior. (MP3)
👉 allenbclark.com, combatfaith.com, combatfaith.blogspot.com, soldiersblood.com


Deanna’s second guest this afternoon was Drew who shared with listeners his experience of being told by a Licensed Doctor that he had prostate cancer and how he did research to determine the best outcome for his own health. (MP3)
Drew provided the following links for your information.
👉 blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/02/26/healing-withdr-danielshow-prostratecancer-became-a-disease, uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/RecommendationStatementFinal/prostate-cancer-screening1, dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2163640/Dont-rush-prostate-operation–worst-thing-do.html, medicalnewstoday.com/articles/217616.php, webmd.com/prostate-cancer/guide/prostate-cancer-treatment-wait, nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1807801, protectpatientsblog.com/too_many_doctors_use_too_much_1/, nbcnews.com/id/35874966/ns/health-mens_health/t/surgery-regrets-i-want-my-prostate-back/, webmd.com/prostate-cancer/news/20150219/are-too-many-prostate-cancer-patients-receiving-treatment

Dr. Hamid Reza Sagha

Deanna’s first guest this afternoon was Dr. Hamid Reza Sagha M.D. For the last seven years, Dr. Sagha has conducted extensive research and studies about brain function, memory impairment, and neurodegenerative disease. More specifically, he has investigated how to optimize the biology of different systems by modifying lifestyle choices, and in this way stimulate the body and brain to better health. His study has included different cultural approaches to health including traditional Persian medicine, Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic approaches, as well as alternative therapy such as integrative and naturopathic. He uses this wide base of knowledge to map out health treatments based on functional medicine and system biology. One day, he hopes the gap between researchers, scientific data, clinical practice and the standard of care regarding dementia will decrease. Dr. Hamid Reza Sagha has just published Dementia Action Plan: Give Your Brain a Fighting Chance! (MP3)
👉 Interact Well Care | Memory Improvement Center

William “Bill” Cadwallader

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was William “Bill” Cadwallader, a certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist and the author of Exposed: The Electronic Sickening of America and How to Protect Yourself. Have you ever wondered about the safety or dangers of: Cell Phones, Smartphone Addiction, Cell Tower Radiation, WiFi, Bluetooth, High-Voltage Power Lines, Smart Devices? (MP3)
👉 Stop Dirty Electricity

Brad Huddleston

Deanna’s guest this afternoon was Brad Huddleston, the author of Digital Cocaine: A Journey Toward iBalance and Porneia – A Global Tragedy (DVD) who talked about addiction to technology, such as cell phones, video games, etc. (MP3)
🖥 Brad Huddleston Video